Using this feature, you can authorize or unauthorize the users to access and work with certain applications, So that no one accesses an unwanted application. If the users try to access an unauthorized application, a notification can be sent to the users about why they cannot access the application.
Applicable versions: UEM 1.0 and above.
Please follow the below steps to follow:
1.Log on to the UEM web console.
2.Click on Policies>Create Policy.
Note : You can create max 50 policies and groups under UEM.
3. Provide policy name, policy type, feature, Description and click on Create.
4. If you want to send a notification when a blocked application is accessed, select Notify clients when an unauthorized application is blocked.
5. In the list of applications category, check for applications and click on Custom.
6. A list of applications under the selected Archive tools category appears. Check the list and select unauthorize for the application which you want to block eg 7zip.
7. To save your setting, click Save Policy.
To apply policy on group
Go to Groups >change policies>Select the feature policy which is created and click on Assign.
Adding custom application
This feature allows you to add a new application to the default list. Adding and unauthorizing an application or file that belongs to the operating system or other system specific aspects may cause system malfunction. Hence, it is advised to add an application that is not a part of operating system or other system related programs.
This feature is applicable only for the clients with Microsoft Windows operating system.
You can add an application as follows:
1. Log on to the Seqrite Endpoint Security Cloud.
2. Go to Configurations > Application Control.
3. To add an application, click the Add Application button.
4. To add an application, select one of the following option:
o Select Process Name and type process name.
o Application Signature Maker - You can import application signature file. To create application signature file, do the following:
a. To download Application Signature Maker, click Download.
b. After downloading the Maker, add the application name to create the application
c. Click Save to File. The AppSignature.dat file is created.
d. Click Browse and select the path of the AppSignature.dat file.
5. In the Application Name text box, type an application name.
6. In the Application Category list, select a category.
7. Write a reason for adding a new application to the default list of applications. This helps Seqrite to improve the quality of the software product.
You can also submit the application metadata to the Seqrite lab.
8. Click Save. The application is added in the 'User Added Applications' subcategory under the selected application category.
Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.