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How-To Articles

How to configure IPv6 address on UTM interface.

18-02-2020 23:25:25


IPv6 is an evolutionary upgrade to the Internet Protocol. A new Internet addressing system Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is being deployed to fulfill the need for more Internet addresses. IPV6 uses increased length of addresses, from 32 bits in IPv4 to 128 bits in IPv6. This increases the total address space size from 232 (about 4.3 billion) to 2128 (about 340 trillion, trillion, trillion). It also doubles the size of the Packet Header, which adds 20 bytes of additional overhead on every packet.

Applicable Version: All

IPv6 uses "coloned-hex" (e.g. 2001:470:20::2) for external data representation, whereas IPv4 uses "dotted-decimal" (e.g. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are represented internally (in memory, or on the wire) as strings of bits (32 of them for IPv4, 128 of them for IPv6). IPv4 addresses are represented externally with 4 fields of 8 bits each, using up to 3 decimal digits in each field (values 0 to 255). Fields are separated by dots (".").

IPv6 Address Type
Included Range of Addresses
IPv6 Notation
Unspecified Address
Does not specify a source address (all 128 bits in the IPv6 address set to zeros)
Loopback Address
The local host address of a device
ff00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
Destined for members of a multicast group
Global Unicast
2000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - 3fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
Destined for a single recipient and can be routed on the public Internet
Unique local
Fc00:0000:0000:0000:fc00:0000:0000:0000 - fdff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
Cannot be routed on the Public Internet
Link Local
fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - fe80:0000:0000:0000:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
Valid only on a network segment

IPv6 addresses are denoted by eight groups of hexadecimal quartets separated by colons in between them.

Following is an example of a valid IPv6 address: 2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652

Any four-digit group of zeroes within an IPv6 address may be reduced to a single zero or altogether omitted. Therefore, the following IPv6 addresses are similar and equally valid:




Seqrite UTM supports IPV6 IP format and allows you to enable it. On enabling IPV6 you can use it while configuring the following settings:

  • Interface
  • DNS
  • DHCP
  • Content Filtering (Blacklist / white-list and Domain)


Following sections describe how to configure Seqrite Terminator IPv6 functionality.

Enabling IPV6

 1.      Navigate to Network > IPv6. By default IPv6 support is disabled.

2. Toggle the status button to enable IPV6 and click Apply.

Note: You cannot configure any of the settings related to IPv6, unless you enable IPv6 support for the Seqrite UTM.


  • Configure IPv6 Interfaces

You can assign both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address to any Interface. Assigning an IPv6 address to the interface does not affect its IPv4 functionality. The IPv6 address you assign to the Interface receives only IPv6- addressed packets.

1. Navigate to Network  >  Interfaces. The Interfaces list is displayed.

2. Click Add to add an interface. To modify an interface, click the interface name in the list. The corresponding settings for the interface are displayed. The following table explains the fields on the page. Configure settings as required.

Note: The fields are displayed based on the corresponding settings, some fields may not be available as per the settings.



Interface Name

Set the name of Interface


Select from LAN, WAN, and DMZ.

IP assignment

This can be Static, Dial up, or DHCP.
If you select the IP assignment as Static then you need to enter the IPV6 address and Subnet mask.
If you select the IP assignment as Dialup then you need to enter the user name and password provided by your ISP.

Note: To view Live Logs for Dial-up service, Go to Logs and Reports > Live Logs. Select the required module(s) and click Export. The logs are exported in a .txt document to your computer. These logs indicate the current status of the selected module.

IPv4 Address

Set IPv4 address for Seqrite UTM, through which all clients will access the Internet.

Subnet mask

This field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Static. Select the appropriate Subnet mask.

This field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Static. Select the appropriate Subnet mask.

IPv4 Gateway

This field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Static. Set the gateway if Seqrite UTM is behind the router.

Note: If gateway is set for WAN interface then for LAN interface gateway cannot be set.

IPv6 Address

This field is displayed if IPv6 is enabled. For more details see IPv6.
Enter the IPv6 address through which all clients will access the Internet.


IPv6 Prefix is used to identify how many bits of a Gobal Unicast IPv6 Address are there in network part. For example, in 2001:0DB8:0000:000b::/64,
the number 64 is Prefix and is used to identify that the first 64 bits are in network part.

IPv6 Gateway

This field is displayed if IPv6 is enabled. For more details see IPv6.
Enter the IPv6 Gateway.

User Name

This field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Dialup. Enter the user name provided by ISP.


This field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Dialup Enter the password provided by ISP.

Service Name

This field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Dialup. Enter the Service
name provided by ISP.

Hardware Address

Displays the actual MAC Id for that interface.

3. Click Apply to save changes if any.

Editing an interface

1. Navigate to Network >  Interfaces. The Interfaces list is displayed.

2. Click on the Interface that you want to edit. The edit interface screen is displayed.

3. Correct the Interface name, Zone, IP assignment, IPV4 address, IPV6 address subnet mask and gateway IP address as required.

4. Select the Link check method and Detection IP as required. The link check methods checks if the interface is up and connected. You can configure the method as ICMP or DNS. Seqrite UTM pings the configured DNS or IP to check if the interface is up and connected.

5. If you want this interface to be default route, place a check mark against the option.

6. Enter or correct the Hardware Address as required.

7. Click Apply.

Deleting interfaces

1. Navigate to Network >  Interfaces. The Interfaces list is displayed.

2. Select the Interface that you want to delete and click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed.

3. Click OK to confirm deletion of the interface.

Note: You cannot delete interface eth0. Deleting the interfaces will only clear the configuration / settings, the port will still be displayed in the list.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance