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How-To Articles

How to configure WAN Interface on Seqrite UTM

04-09-2022 23:28:00

Overview: This article will help you to understand how to configure WAN Interface on Seqrite UTM

Applicable firmware versions : UTM 2.0 and Above

1: To configure an WAN interface, go to Network > Interfaces.

2: Select the Inerface which you want to configure as WAN here in this example we have taken ETH2. Click on ETH2

This can be Static, PPPoE, or DHCP.

If you select the IP assignment as Static then you need to enter the IPV4 address and Subnet mask. See chart for further understanding.

If you select the IP assignment as PPPoE then you need to enter the username and password along with Service name provided by your ISP. Service name is optional.

If you select DHCP, no further configuration options are required, and you can save the configuration.

Note: To view Live Logs for PPPoE service, Go to Logs and Reports > Live Logs. Select the required module(s) and click Export. The logs are exported in a .txt document to your computer. These logs indicate the current status of the selected module.

Interface nameSet the name of Interface
ZoneSelect WAN
IP AssignmentThis can be Static, PPPoE, or DHCP.
If you select the IP assignment as Static then you need to enter the IPV4 address and Subnet mask.If you select the IP assignment as PPPoE then you need to enter the user name and password provided by your ISP. If you select DHCP, no further configuration options are required, and you can save the configuration Note: To view Live Logs for PPPoE service, Go to Logs and Reports > Live Logs. Select the required module(s) and click Export. The logs are exported in a .txt document to your computer. These logs indicate the current status of the selected module.
IPv4 addressThis field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Static. Set IPv4 address for Seqrite UTM, through which all clients will access the Internet. IP address is assigned automatically for both PPPoE and DHCP.
Subnet maskThis field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Static. Select the appropriate Subnet mask.
IPv4 GatewayThis field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Static. Set the gateway if Seqrite UTM is behind the router. Note: If gateway is set for WAN interface then for LAN interface gateway cannot be set.
IPv6 AddressThis field is displayed if IPv6 is enabled.
Enter the IPv6 address through which all clients will access the Internet.
User NameThis field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Dialup. Enter the user name provided by ISP.
PasswordThis field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Dialup Enter the password provided by ISP.
Service NameThis field is displayed if you select IP assignment as Dialup. Enter the Service name provided by ISP.
Link check MethodThe link check methods checks if the interface is up and connected You can configure the method as ICMP or DNS. Seqrite UTM pings the configured DNS or IP to check if the interface is up and connected.
Default routeIf you want this interface to be default route, place a check mark against the option.
Hardware AddressDisplays the actual MAC Id for that interface.

Click Save.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.