To receive notification/reports on mail we need to configure SMTP Settings.
Using this feature helps to set up the SMTP Host Details.
All emails from Endpoint Security Server such as Notification mails and Report mails will be sent to the SMTP Server for further routing.
To configure the SMTP Settings, follow these steps:
Log on to the Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console.
1. Go to Admin Settings
2. Server
3. SMTP Settings
-> In the SMTP Server text box, type the IP Address or domain name of SMTP server.
-> In the Port text box, type the port number.
-> In the Notify from Email Address text box, type the email address.
-> This email address will appear as From Address in all the emails sent from EPS server.
-> For user authentication, type the user name in the User name text box.
-> The User name field depends on your SMTP server. It may ask you to provide either user name or email ID.
-> In the Password text box, type the password.
-> In User Authentication Method, select one of the following:
o None: Select this option to send email notification through HTTP protocol.
o SSL: Select this option to send email notification through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol.
o TLS: Select this option to send email notification through TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol.
-> Seqrite recommends that to ensure the SMTP host details are correct, test the SMTP settings. To test the SMTP settings, click Apply, and then click Test SMTP Settings.
-> In the Test Mail dialog, in the To text box, enter the email ID of the user.
-> Click Send Mail.
Note :- EPS cannot send emails if the SMTP settings are configured using public mail server (Example: Gmail) and if Allow less secure apps setting is disabled in the public mail servers.
Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.