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How-To Articles

How to uninstall Seqrite Endpoint Security Server Console EPS Version 8.1

22-03-2023 21:31:06

Overview: This document describes steps to uninstall Seqrite Endpoint Server 8.1 Console.

Uninstall Seqrite EPS 8.1 Console Server:

To uninstall Seqrite Endpoint Security Server console, follow these steps:

1. Open the terminal on your Linux endpoint and log in as a root user.

2. Go to path : cd /opt/Seqrite_EndPoint_Security/

3. Execute the command - sh uninstall

4. The Uninstall screen appears. Click Yes to confirm the uninstallation.

5. Authentication screen appears. Enter Password of the root user.

6. Click Next. Uninstallation process starts.

7. After successful uninstallation of EPS console. Click Close.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.