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How-To Articles

How to upgrade UTM firmware via UTM GUI

03-06-2022 03:27:23

Overview: It is recommended to have latest version of firmware in UTM. You can follow below mentioned steps to upgrade the UTM to latest version firmware.

In this article we will guide you on

  • How to check existing UTM firmware version
  • How to upgrade UTM firmware version online
  • How to upgrade UTM firmware version offline

Applicable firmware versions : UTM 2.0 and Above

Prerequisites and Precautions:

1)Seqrite UTM should have a valid subscription.

2)Take configuration backup of UTM and keep it in safe place.

3) Kindly keep serial console cable along with you and supported system or Serial to USB converter

3) Schedule network downtime as UTM will remain inaccessible for some time. It will also reboot during upgradation process.

4)Download all the reports and logs if you need it. Reports and logs will be deleted during firmware upgradation process.

How to check existing UTM firmware version

1) Login to UTM.

2) At bottom of the dashboard you can find the the “product version” under Device information card.

 How to upgrade UTM firmware online

1)Login to UTM and Navigate to “System” in left menu

2)Click “Firmware Upgrade”. Firmware upgrade page will appear.

3)Depending on your requirement, you can select the options from the “Actions” List. You can download and install immediately or, only download the file and install later or download later.

Recommended Practise: Kindly download the firmware and once downloaded then click on Install

4)Warning popup will appear. Click “Continue”. You can cancel and go back if need to take backup or download logs and reports.

5) One more warning popup will appear. Click “Continue”. You can cancel and go back if need to take backup or download logs and reports.

6) Select the required option and click “update”.

Full Device configuration : After upgradation all the configuration will remain as it is.

7) Download in progress

8) Installation in progress

9) You can get this error message during installation process. Not to worry, firmware upgradation is in progress.

10) Firmware upgradation will complete after 20- 30 minutes.

11) You can verify the upgraded version in dashboard.

How to upgrade UTM firmware offline

1) Login to UTM and browse to “System” > “ Firmware upgrade

2) Click the “click here” link under “Offline upgrade” section. It will redirect you to offline upgrade page.

3) Select applicable firmware version from drop-down menu and click “Download

4) After downloading the firmware file click ”browse” button > Select the downloaded file

5) Once file is uploaded to UTM click “upload

6) One the upload is over new available firmware will be listed under the Firmware list. You can choose to install now or install later from “Action” menu.

7) Warning popup will appear. Click “Continue”. You can cancel and go back if need to take backup or download logs and reports.

8) One more warning popup will appear. Click “Continue”. You can cancel and go back if need to take backup or download logs and reports.

9) Select the required option and click “update”.

 Full Device configuration
: After upgradation all the configuration will remain as it is.

10) Download in progress

11) Installation in progress

12) You can get this error message during installation process. Not to worry, firmware upgradation is in progress.

13) Firmware upgradation will complete after 20- 30 minutes .

14) You can verify the upgraded version in dashboard.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.