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How-To Articles

Procedure to reinstall the Endpoint Security Console

03-04-2020 01:35:02

Steps/ Procedures:

To begin Re installation of Seqrite Endpoint Security server, follow these steps.

Select the installer file of Seqrite Endpoint Security and double click on it. The SEPS setup wizard starts.

Read the information about Seqrite Endpoint Security, Click Next.

Select I Agree to accept the license agreement, and then click Next.

Seqrite End Point Security server needs Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 and Microsoft IIS Web server on your computer system to complete the installation.

If .NET and IIS are both already installed, SEPS setup wizard continues.

If .NET, IIS or any one of the required components is not installed, a Pre-requisites Checks screen is displayed. The screen shows the installed and missing components that are required to proceed with the installation. Click Next.

The wizard helps you to install IIS component.

To install IIS, follow these steps,

A screen is displayed to install IIS. In the Prerequisite – Internet Information Services (IIS) screen, click Next. IIS will be configured on the system.

Click Next to continue the SEPS setup wizard.

Click Browse if you want to install Seqrite Endpoint Security server to another folder than the default folder. To proceed with the default installation default path, click Next.

On the Server Information screen, do the following: i. In the Server Information section, select one of the following and provide the information:

Domain Name: Select the server Domain Name from the list. If your network is configured using DHCP, select Domain Name.

In the HTTP section, Port number appears. HTTP Port Number is a port to use as the server listening port. In the SSL section, by default, the Enable Secure Socket Layer check box is selected and SSL Port number appears.

IP address: Select the IP Address of the server from the list.

Select the Public Installation check box if you are installing Seqrite Endpoint Security on a system hosted on the AWS/Azure platforms.

The Proxy Settings screen appears.

If you are using a proxy server on your network or using Socks Version 4 and 5 networks, you need to enter the IP address (or domain name) and port of the proxy, SOCKS V4 & SOCKS V5 server in the Connection settings. Username and password are mandatory to log on.

The Client Installation Settings screen appears.

Seqrite client is installed on the endpoint as per the path specified in this screen. The following settings are displayed & The Client Agent Communication Port number appears.

The Authentication screen appears.

Create Seqrite Endpoint Security administrator password to access the Web console and endpoint password to access the endpoint settings at the endpoint side. The password for administrator and endpoint should be different; else the installation will not proceed.

The Seqrite Endpoint security installation process starts.

To register Seqrite Endpoint Security and configure Update Manager, click Next.

Reactivating Seqrite Endpoint Security

The reactivation process is similar to the activation process, with the exception that you need not type the complete personal details again. On submitting the product key, the details are displayed.

Seqrite Update Manager.

Update Manager is a tool integrated with Seqrite Endpoint Security. This tool is used to download and manage the updates for Seqrite Endpoint Security. Update Manager provides you the flexibility to download the updates on any endpoint. All the Seqrite Endpoint Security clients fetch the updates from the centralized location. Update Manager automatically updates Seqrite Endpoint Security for new enhancements or bug fixes.

To complete the installation, click Finish.

Seqrite Endpoint security installed successfully and ready to use.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.