Type: External
Type: External
This article will help to enable an update agent from the UEM console. This will allow endpoints to get virus updates from an on-premise system instead of the internet.
Applicable Versions:
EPS Cloud (UEM)
Configuration Steps:
To Assign the update agent Role, follow the steps.
1. On the status page, select the endpoints you want to assign the update agent role.
2. The client action bar is enabled above the table. In the client actions drop-down, select Update Agent Role.
3. In the Please Select drop-down, select Assign, and click Submit.
4. A confirmation message appears. Click YES.
5. The update agent role is assigned to the selected endpoint. On the status page, the legend for Update Role Assigned is displayed for the respective endpoint.
Viewing the update agent:
1. On the status page, identify and click the endpoint name with update agent role.
2. The endpoint status page appears. You can see the label as update agent. Click the Switch To Update Agent button.
3. The Update Agent Page appears. The endpoint name and IP address of the endpoint where update agent installed is displayed.
4. In the settings tab, expand the update settings and select the appropriate settings as per your environment and click Save button.
5. In the status tab, the status of the update agent is shown in tabular format.
6. A label Outdated is displayed for the product only if the product is not updated for the last 72 hrs.
7. Click on the Update now button to send a notification to the update agent to download the updates.
Assign endpoints to download updates from the update agent.
1. Go to the policy tab and edit a policy that is assigned to endpoints.
2. Scroll down to the Update option and expand the Update Mode section in the right side window.
3. Click on the Download from Specific Update Agent option. You will see a table below with a list of update agents.
Select the Update agent you created. Click Save Policy.
5. Make these changes in all policies to apply these settings to all.
Make these changes in all policies to apply these settings to all endpoints.