Type: External
Overview: This article will help to understand and configure Windows 10 Upgrade feature in Seqrite Patch Management. This will help the Administrator to upgrade Windows 10 Operating System to the latest available builds.
Applicable OS: Microsoft Windows 10
In Seqrite 7.6 Service Pack 5, we have introduced new feature, ‘Windows 10 OS Upgrade support added for Patch management’ With this feature Administrator can configure Seqrite Patch Management to get latest Windows 10 upgrade list available with Microsoft. Then initiate upgrade through Patch Management to upgrade older version of Windows 10 to the latest available build.
• Seqrite EPS Must be installed and activated.
• Seqrite Patch Management must be installed and integrated with Seqrite EPS Console.
• Service Pack 5 must be installed on Seqrite EPS Console.
Configuring Patch Management Server:
1. To configure the patch server, follow these steps:
2. Log on to Seqrite Endpoint Security Web console.
3. Go to Seqrite EPS Web Console > Admin Settings > Patch Management.
4. On the Patch Management page, click the Configure Patch Server tab.
5. Select the patch server from the list. (Figure 1)
Figure 1:
6. Configuration section appears. Select the Patch Synchronization tab.
7. Click Filters. (Figure 2)
Figure 2:
8. The ‘Windows Patch Synchronization Setting’ window appears. In the Categories tab, select ‘Upgrades’ Category.
9. Click Apply. (Figure 3)
Figure 3:
10. Once Category selection is done successfully, close ‘Windows Patch Synchronization Settings’ window.
11. Click ‘Start’ to run Patch Synchronization again. (Figure 4)
Figure 4:
12. Once Patch Synchronization is completed, perform Patch Scan for Windows 10 OS.
13. The list of upgrades available to older version of Windows 10 OS will appear. (Figure 5)
Figure 5:
14. Select the upgrade patches as required.
15. Click “Start Install” to upgrade Windows 10 to the latest available builds.