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How-To Articles

How to check logs for client deployment failed in Seqrite EPS

12-11-2022 00:18:22

Overview:    You have initiated Seqrite EPS client installation but client deployment is not completed within the expected time. You can check the client deployment status and logs on EPS console itself. Please go through the below article for complete details.

Applicable Versions:   EPS 7.6

Part A) Checking client installation status

1)  Login to Seqrite EPS server web console.

2)  Go to “clients” > Click “client status” and select respective client by checking its host name or IP address.

3) Under “installation status” column you can verify the installation status of the client. If client antivirus is installed successfully then status should be “installed” else it will be “not installed

Part B) Checking deployment failed logs

1)  On EPS console dashboard go to “statuswidget > “Protection” > “client deployment failed

2)   Click the numeric value under “client deployment failed”. As per above screenshot there is only one client deployment is failed. If there are no logs for any failed client deployment then the value will remain 0 (zero).

3)   A new menu appears on screen. Click “view installer log” .

4)   Installer logs window opens . Here you find the logs for failed installation on specific endpoint.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.