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How-To Articles

How to check reports on client antivirus

01-08-2022 18:41:15

                                                      How to check reports on client antivirus

Overview:  We can check reports for different modules in EPS client system as well. Steps are mentioned below.

Applicable Product and Version:
  EPS 7.4 client, EPS 7.6 Client, EPS cloud client

Client operating system:

Steps to check reports on client antivirus

To open client antivirus on end computer please use any one of the methods mentioned below.

Method 1. Double click the Seqrite icon on taskbar notification area/ system tray.

Method 2. In start menu click the “Seqrite Endpoint Security” icon

Method 3:  Press Windows +R to open “Run” box > type “scanner” and click “Ok

2) Seqrite antivirus client dashboard opens. Click “Reports” on top right corner of antivirus dashboard.

3) Reports section opens. To view the reports of specific module (for example virus protection or email protection) click module name on left menu. 

 You can see the reports generated on different dates on right menu. Select any report and click “details” button at bottom of the page Or double click the report to open it.

4)  Detailed report will open. You can browse to next report by clicking “Next”. Print and save option is also available if want to keep any report for future reference.

5) Deleting reports: You can also delete reports. 

Click module name on left menu. You can see the reports generated on different dates on right menu.
Select any report and click “delete all” or “delete” button at bottom of the page to delete all reports for selected module.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.