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How to Schedule mSuite On Demand and Custom reports

31-03-2022 15:43:26

Type: External

This document describes the process to Schedule mSuite On Demand and Custom reports

Schedule reports can be configured for On-Demand and Custom reports, this will help to generate different types of reports automatically and send via email as per report period and frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) configured in the schedule.

Applicable Versions: EMM 2.x

Configuration Steps :

Steps to Schedule On-Demand Report generation, follow these steps:
1. Log on to the Seqrite mSuite console.
2. In the left pane, click Reports and then select On-Demand Reports. The Reports page is displayed.
3. Under the Reports screen, select a report type and then click Search. The relevant report is generated.

4. Click on “Schedule Reports” to generate the on-demand reports automatically

5. Write the report name, set the frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) when the report should be generated, set the report sending period for which the report is required, and then set the email addresses to which the report should be sent. After setting all the options, click Confirm. The report would be generated and sent on the schedule.

Steps to Schedule Custom Report generation, follow these steps:

1.Log on to the Seqrite mSuite console and in the left pane, click Reports > Custom Reports.
2. On the Custom Reports list page, click the view (eyes) icon available in front of the reports.

3. On the report page, select the criteria and again generate the report or directly click Schedule Report.

4. In the Schedule Report dialog box make the following changes:
a). Enter a report name
b). In the Report Sending Frequency section, select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. As per your selection, you can select the days of the week or day of the month.
c). Report sending period cannot exceed 90 days for the daily and weekly cycles.
d). Report sending period cannot exceed 180 days for the monthly cycle.
e). From the calendar, select the appropriate Report Sending Period.
f). In the Email Recipient, text field add the comma-separated email IDs of the admin to receive the generated report in the form of an attachment.

5. Click Confirm. The custom report is scheduled for the given time and frequency.

While scheduling the custom report if more than one date range columns are available, then you can choose the required date range option.