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How-To Articles

How to create online installer creation for Seqrite EPS cloud

23-06-2022 00:30:43

Overview: There are multiple client deployment methods are available in Seqrite EPS cloud. You can use online installer method to manually install EPS cloud client. Online installer option is available for Windows , MAC and Linux operating systems.

Applicable Versions: Seqrite Endpoint Security cloud version 1.6 and above.

Steps to create and download online installer:

1) Login to HawkkEye console using below mentioned link.

2) On HawkkEye console click “Endpoint Security” on left pane.

3) You will be landed to Endpoint Security console dashboard. Click “deployment” under “computer” section on left menu.

4) Under “online installer ‘ tab click “Create client installer” button.

5) On next page a) fill all the required information

 b) Configure proxy settings if proxy is required to connect to internet on client system

 c) Set password if you want to password protect the client packager

  d)Click “create”

6) Success message will appear once installer created. Click ‘ok” to proceed

7) Successfully created installer packages will reflect under “online installer” section. Click download icon to download the installer.

8) A zip file will be downloaded. Extract the zip file and execute the installer in required client system.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.