Overview :
This KB article explains the method to configure Seqrite Patch management in the organization network where air gap connectivity is present but have the internet connection available on the isolated standalone system.
In this scenario you can use the offline patch synchronizer method to get the patches downloaded on Internet available system and then get it copied to Isolated PM server to synchronize.
Steps to be performed on the PC where Internet connection is available :
3. Go to Start > All Programs > Seqrite Patch Management > Offline Patch Synchronizer.
4. Click on Next.
5. Select 'Offline Patch Repository' and Check Mark 'Download the Patch contents from the Internet if it is not available on the Seqrite Patch Server.
6. Select the location where you have created the folder under Step 1:
7. After Clicking on Next, it will initiate Metadata Backup first and once completed, it will display message to download the Patch Content. Click on ‘Yes’:
8. After clicking on ‘Yes’, it will start to download the Patch Content from Internet.
9. Once the Offline Patch Repository Created on Internet Patch Server, Copy the entire folder on Offline/Isolated Patch Server for further synchronization.
Steps to be performed on the Offline Patch Management System :
Please refer KB article for "How to install and configure the patch management?" Click here .
Following are the steps to synchronize the offline downloaded files on the internet available system:
1. Open Offline Patch Synchronizer on Offline Patch Server and Select ‘Synchronize from Offline Patch Repository’:
2. Click on Next and provide the patch of Offline Patch Repository copied from Internet Patch Server:
3. It will initialize the Synchronization from the Offline Patch Repository and once completed will display the below message:
4. You can verify the patch status as well on the EPS console to confirm it has synchronized to updated patches repository. To check the status navigate to EPS Console under Admin Settings > Patch Management > Configure Patch Management: Here you will get the Last Successful patch synchronization timestamp.
Below are the some points regarding the Patch Repository and its size:
For e.g.
1. checked with Notepad ++ filter only then Patch repository size was 22 MB
2. Then selected the internet explorer in Patch Management filter in the next Patch repository creation then size was around 836 MB and that is without downloading the patches,
3. In next patch repo. creation we clicked on Download Patches option then the Patch Repository size was showing 22+ GB.
Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.