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Unable to open EPS 7.6 page |HTTP error 500.19 - internal server error 0x800700c1 |

27-06-2023 17:25:44

When opening the EPS Web console the following error is displayed:

HTTP error 500.19 with the error code 0x800700c1

Another web page, usually WSUS, is also hosted on the IIS and propagates incorrect settings to other websites.


EPS console runs using Microsoft IIS and this problem usually occurs when WSUS (or web page with similar behavior) is hosted on the IIS. DynamicCompressionModule and StaticCompressionModule are installed by WSUS globally and propagate to other websites. They try to load in every Application Pool, regardless of whether it is 64-bit or 32-bit, resulting in HTTP Error 500.19 - Error Code 0x800700c1 for sites running in 32-bit mode.

Check in the "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\configa\pplicationHost.config" for the following entries within the  < Module > :

Important note: these entries can also be found in sections < globalModule >, but the changes are required in the section < module >.

Add a precondition attribute (preCondition="bitness64") for these module entries so that they load only in 64bit application pools, i.e.:

Save it the "applicationHost.config"

Open a command prompt running as administrator.

Type IISreset and press Enter.