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How-To Articles

How to Apply Time Quota Policy in Seqrite UTM

03-09-2021 00:43:53


The Time Quota policy on Seqrite UTM helps to provide a defined Internet surfing time to users and groups. All available time categories are displayed along with their details, such as, Access Time and description of various categories.

Applicable versions: UTMv2.0 and above.

Creating a time quota policy

1. Navigate to Policy > Time Quota.

2. Click the + (Add) icon on the right hand side. The Add Time Quota policy page is displayed. 

3. Enter a policy name and select the required Time category from the drop-down. You can add multiple Time categories and select as required. For e.g. You can create two different categories for same day or next day in different time slots and use them in combination.

4. In the Advanced Settings area, select the frequency whether daily, weekly, monthly or yearly, and configure the corresponding fields as required. You can create and deploy time-based quota policies based on frequency and data usage limits. For e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly and data usage.

5. Click Save. The policy is saved.

Note: For HTTPs sites, Time Category (other than default) will be applicable with Time Quota only if HTTPs traffic scanning is enabled under Security > Antivirus > Scanner Settings.

Time Quota Example :

An admin wants to allow access only for specific time during the day i.e. 9am – 12 pm and 2pm – 4 pm. For the rest of the time the users should not be able to access the network. Network access is completely blocked during the weekends.

Time Category Definitions

We create two time category definitions as below 

Time Quota Policy

We create a time quota policy with the two, time category definitions created above 

Apply Time Quota Policy to Name wise user 

Time Quota Behavior and User Experience

When user tries to access the network between 9am – 12 pm and 2 pm – 4 pm, user will get the user login page and after logging in successfully, they can access the network

If a user tries to access anytime outside of the provided time quota, they will be shown the following message on the user login page. 

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance