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How-To Articles

How to verify client version and server details on EPS client system

30-08-2022 04:07:38

Overview: This article will help you to find the below details on EPS client system.

1) EPS client antivirus version and build version

2) Client belongs to which server

3) Client belongs to which group and policy

Applicable Versions: Seqrite Endpoint Security 7.6

Applicable client OS : Windows

Steps to check details :

1) Open Seqrite client antivirus

2) Click “help” button on top right corner of antivirus dashboard

3) Click “about”

4) On “about” page you can find the product version and build version. As you can see in below image product version is 18.00 and build version is

5) To check server details and group and policy name click “server details” button on bottom of the page.

6) Server details window opens. You can find server IP address , Group and Policy name of the client here.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.