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How-To Articles

How to create Users in Seqrite UTM

18-02-2020 23:25:25


A firewall user is a network user who must provide a username and password for authentication when initiating a connection across the firewall. Firewall user authentication lets you define firewall users and create policies that require the users to authenticate themselves through one of two authentication schemes pass-through authentication or web authentication. User role firewall policies can be integrated with firewall authentication both to authenticate users and to retrieve username and role information. The information is mapped to the IP address of the traffic, stored in the firewall authentication table, and used for user role firewall policy enforcement.

Applicable Version: All


The Users feature allows you to manage users that is create, edit, delete users and allocate them to a particular group. Users can be created locally or imported from an Authentication Server. The Users page displays the details of the users, such as user name, group name, authentication, login status, IP/MAC bind details and content filtering status. This page also displays the count of total number of users that are logged in.

Configuration Steps:

Login Seqrite by administrator and Navigate to Firewall > User Management > Users in this click ADD (+) 

  • You can also import users by using spreadsheet as shown in below image.

Note: Your spreadsheet should contain three columns. First column should be for User Name, second for Password, and third for Password Encryption value. The Password Encryption column must have a value 0 or 1. If password encryption is 0 then the password is in clear text. If password encryption is 1 then the password is encrypted. The first row of spreadsheet contains column description, and will be ignored at the time of importing.

  • Fill all personal information as per requirement.

  1. Check status as active.
  2. Enter the display name for Ex. Test
  3. Also you can enter mobile number to receive credentials in your mobile.
  4. Enter mail id as shown as Ex. In above image.
  5. Also admin can describe the user details in description.
  6. Select user type as per you requirement as user or IP wise. If you select user wise you have to enter username and password and for IP wise please IP address.
  7. You can also select the authentication type as local or any authentication server.
  8. Under username and password please enter username for Ex. test1 and password.


                                                                                         Password etiquette is shown above

9. Also you can auto generate password and send credentials to mobile.

10. Use concurrent login option to allow users to simultaneously login from multiple system. You can set the maximum number of concurrent login that can be allowed to be Unlimited or Custom. If you select the custom option, then you can set a value for the maximum number of concurrent login.

  • Below image shows how to Create IP wise user in UTM.

  • Binding can be done in user wise or IP wise i.e. IP Binding, IP with MAC Binding or MAC Binding shown above.

  • Use this option to bind the Username to a particular IP address or MAC address or both as required.
  • Below shows the IP Binded with a particular test1 user.

Note: If you bind a user with IP or MAC address, then that user can login only from the system having the configured IP or MAC address. You can bind the user with IPv4, IPv6, or both addresses.

  • In Groups and policies section, select the applicable group for the new user. By default the policies are applicable to Default group are applicable.       
  • Enable or disable content filtering as required.

Note: If you disable content filtering for a user, all restrictions placed under URL Categorization policy will be rendered ineffective for that user.

  • You may require to apply individual Internet Quota policy for a user. To do so, remove the selection against " Apply
  • Group quota policy and select the Internet quota policies as required.

  • Click on save button after that the user will reflect at user list.


  • Above images show user is logged in.

  • You can also forcefully logout the user as shown the arrow in below image.

Note: You can also select multiple users to log out by force.

  • In this way we create user in seqrite UTM so that user can login the user to access the services.

Please contact Seqrite Technical Support for more assistance.